PURESCRAP at the 2024 ESTEP Annual Event in Linz (Austria)
On October 30th, 2024, Johannes Rieger from K1-MET presented the current status of sensor development at the industrial partner site and gave an outlook on the 2nd half of the project. Many thanks to The European Steel Technology Platform (ESTEP) for the excellent organisation of this event to present various initiatives working towards a greener […]
Consortium meeting in Leoben
The two-day consortium meeting took place from September 18th to 19th at voestalpine in Leoben, Austria, and marked the projects halftime. On the first day, our coordinator Jonas gave a recap of what we had achieved and an update on the sensor combination and analysis improvement. After lunch, we had a guided tour at Redwave, […]
18th Society and Materials (SAM) International Conference at Jönköping, Sweden
Last week, Alice Petrucciani from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna presented the PURESCRAP project at the 18th Society and Materials (SAM) International Conference at Jönköping, Sweden. As part of Session 1 on Case studies in Sustainability, Alice presentation focused on the efficient scrap management to improve efficiency and circularity in steel industry.
Insights from Jonas and Adrian at the ESTEP Event
The event collected various aspects of the steel industry. These forums are important to find synergies and collaboration opportunities between projects. A large focus was placed on hydrogen in many forms, both for heating and for reduction. A session was also dedicated to scrap-related projects where PURESCRAP makes its contribution. Each of the projects working […]
PURESCRAP at the ESTEP Spring Dissemination event 2024
Jonas Petersson (SWERIM) and Adrian Götting (TU Dortmund) are going to introduce barriers and drivers for the increased use of post consumer scrap at the ESTEP Spring Dissemination event in brussels. They are looking forward to the sessions and engaging discussions. For further information and the programm visit the ESTEP webpage.
PURESCRAP presented at ESTEP 2nd dissemination event in Pisa
The PURESCRAP project was presented by Melanie Leitner (K1-MET) at the ESTEP dissemination event in Pisa on March 29 2023